Yoga Teacher
Children, Teens & Mothers
Yoga and Wellbeing
Teen yoga
Join my after school club in Bristol and online. For teens aged 12-16 yrs old.
Yoga for women
Create a window in your week to breathe, stretch, strengthen and reeeelax! Pregnancy, Well woman, 1-2-1.
Yoga in schools
Tailored interventions: Primary, Secondary, Pre-school. Group class & 1-2-1. CPD for school teachers.
Tailored to the client, including pregnancy, holistic and deep tissue.
Home visits available.
Corporate wellness.
Well woman half day retreats
With mothers specifically in mind.
Massage, yoga and relaxation. Time to yourself in nature.
Pachamama Venture Crowdfunder
Raising funds to bring yoga to children and young people living in challenging circumstances. Can you help me? Find out more here.