There I sat shedding tears, temporarily defeated my an errant pdf file. A perilous time in my cycle typified by wilful, seemingly non-sensical volatility; partner walking the fragile line between tacit avoidance and diplomatic support. With a Hurt Locker sweat.
24 hours later I dashed past half a tonne of freshly delivered compost loudly pondering its enthusiastic purchaser’s eventual plans en route to a tennis lesson; a last gasp place spontaneously found to haul me out of the drudgery of doing.
I’m not sure if it’s stage of life/personality type/sign of our times thing but do you ever feel you are doing a hell of a lot of doing? A drive to be productive, relentlessly forward moving? Or just incessantly keeping on top of things. How tiring.
Aware of the benefits and having the experience to stop, notice and immerse myself in present moment awareness, it still takes consistent practice and application to pull me away from a more familiar Netflix based immersion. Perhaps whilst doubly challenging myself to locate the bottom of an ice cream tub or sneak my kids’ chocolate supply without trace with an equally consistent practice and application. It frequently feels a pivot between feverish industry or contented comatose slobbery if there is not enough rest and fun pulled into the picture.
Saying no to the busyness boulder that keeps careering down the hill, gathering speed. You can’t stop it! Just get out of the way. Sometimes I feel a quiet rage bubbling up. This is my one god damn beautiful life, what I am a doing staring at a screen? Folk, what are we doing for complete and utter JOY?
So as well as trying to notice as much of the detail in even the most mundane scenario, as a card carrying sensation seeker I personally revel in the novel experience. An unexpected place, with new people, senses absorbed in something different and ideally moving. AKA - Tennis!
A non stop chorus of predictable, refined ‘Sorry!’s a backdrop to our puffed attempts to sustain a rally. With a group of don’t-give-a-shit, self effacing, funny women it quickly became apparent I could also happily sink a gin with. It was
I even thought twice about mentioning this to anyone, a guilty ladies-who-lunch admission to an (otherwise profitable!) hour out of a working day but this far down the freelancing mothering road, it feels good to realise the worth of unapologetically calling that shot.
This is our singular, glorious, crazy life. Put down the phone, close the laptop, leave the life admin for a while.
Is there something you have always wanted to do? Something silly, new or a favourite past time you have been meaning to return to, when you are just immersed in the moment and enjoying life? Whatever that is for you.
Do it!
(Tennis season is now officially open in this household and I’m pleased to announce availability for entry level matches with reasonable beginners/patient intermediate players. Touring also possible once restrictions allow. Get in touch!)