You a Badass Mother….?

Recognise yourself, vaulting over the breakfast bar to greet your kids, full of enthusiasm for a new day? Freshly brewed coffee delivered straight in to your partner’s hands, a suggestive smile playing on your lips as you prepare for the school run in your customary calm, well adjusted manner.

No, me neither.

The days of mid-riff tops and cosmetic experimentalism may happily be behind you. What you may have lost in terms of energy, allure and collagen has been alchemised through grit, love and the passing of time into something far more spectacular and worthy of awe.

Your body has been stretched and irrevocably changed with some light to medium damage along the way. Replaced, no doubt, with a renewed reverence and respect for this powerhouse’s countless capabilities. Mental faculties, accustomed to perpetual interruption and multilayered tasks requiring near-simultaneous focus may, admittedly at times, be challenged and a little all over the shop. BUT you can now seamlessly wipe up unrequited bodily fluid whilst formulating an email response to the CEO without a noticeable pause in conversation. You can successfully detach month old dried Weetabix fused with nasal mucous from the underside of furniture, without breaking a sweat. You may set the alarm to haul your exhausted bones out to exercise at dawn then find yourself working towards midnight; an Escher-esque vain attempt to claw closer to that unfamiliar feeling you are on top of things. And then find yourself pairing socks by way of nightcap celebration.

It may take a gargantuan effort to keep your shit together when your expertise is required in the ongoing service of lost property location, always in the most urgent and unhelpfully timed moments. You may feel so overstretched with your varied roles that you can tend towards a batshit craziness at times. You may just have stopped moving, doing and serving for the first time that day and somehow be drawn to connect and play in honour of familial relations.

You Mama, keep the wheels of the cart moving, the show on the road.

In short, you are a seriously Badass Mother!

Come rest, reflect, pause & be pampered. Refill your cup.

Half day micro retreats.

Massage therapy.



Sacred days of Summer


I couldn’t think of a more deserving patron..